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[Projects | Publications | Resources | Teaching]
Martin Čadík


LOCATE - Visual Localization in Natural Environments Visual Localization in Natural Environments
color-to-gray Adaptive Color to Grayscale Transformation
Hybrid tone mapping Perception Motivated Hybrid Approach to Tone Mapping
TMO evaluation Evaluation of HDR Tone Mapping Operators, role: leader
Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics Evaluation of Image Quality Metrics, role: leader
Evaluation of Color-to-grayscale Conversions Evaluation of Color-to-grayscale Conversions, role: leader
visual perception Human Visual Perception in Computer Graphics, role: leader
human perception Study report: Human Perception and Computer Graphics
Perceptually Based Acceleration of Rendering, role: member
light load Simulation and Visualization of the Light Load, role: leader

Selected Publications

Author Title Publishing details
Dekel, S., Keller, Y., Čadík, M. Estimating Extreme 3D Image Rotations using Cascaded Attention

[Paper (preprint)]
[Supplementary material]
In Proceedings of IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2024), pp. 2588-2598, Seattle, USA, 2024.
Bobák, P., Čmolík, L., Čadík, M. Reinforced Labels: Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Point-Feature Label Placement

[Paper (preprint)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), DOI 10.1109/TVCG.2023.3313729, ISSN 1077-2626, 2023. Presented at PacificVis 2024, Tokyo, Japan.
Polášek, T., Čadík, M. Predicting Photovoltaic Power Production using High-Uncertainty Weather Forecasts

[Paper (preprint)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
[Code on GitHub (SolarDB API)]
Applied Energy, Elsevier, ISSN 0306-2619, 2023.
Polášek, T., Čadík, M., Keller, Y., Benes, B. Vision UFormer: Long-Range Monocular Absolute Depth Estimation

[Paper (Elsevier)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, 2023.
Rajasekaran, S. D., Kang, H., Čadík, M., Galin, E., Guérin, E., Peytavie, A., Slavík, P., Benes, B. PTRM: Perceived Terrain Realism Metric

[Paper (arXiv pdf)]
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, ISSN: 1544-3558, New York, NY, United States, 2022.
Tomešek, J., Čadík, M., Brejcha, J. CrossLocate: Cross-modal Large-scale Visual Geo-Localization in Natural Environments using Rendered Modalities

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary material]
WACV 2022 (IEEE Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision), Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2022.
Polášek, T., Hrůša, D., Beneš, B., Čadík, M. ICTree: Automatic Perceptual Metrics for Tree Models

[Paper (pdf)]
[Code on GitHub]
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021), vol. 40, no. 6, ISSN 0730-0301, ACM, 2021.
Ahmad, T., Emami, E., Čadík, M., Bebis, G. Resource Efficient Mountainous Skyline Extraction using Shallow Learning

[Paper (pdf)]
[Code on GitHub]
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (oral presentation), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2021.
Bobák, P., Čmolík, L., Čadík, M. Temporally Stable Boundary Labeling for Interactive and Non-Interactive Dynamic Scenes

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
[Dataset (zip 489MB)]
[Supplementary material]
Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, 2020.
Brejcha, J., Lukáč, M., Hold-Geoffroy, Y., Wang, O., Čadík, M. LandscapeAR: Large Scale Outdoor Augmented Reality by Matching Photographs with Terrain Models Using Learned Descriptors

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
[Code on GitHub]
[Datasets on Github]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), online, 2020. U.S. Patent No. 2022/0114365 A1.
Bobák, P., Čmolík, L., Čadík, M. Video Sequence Boundary Labeling with Temporal Coherence

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
[Annotated Sequence Dataset (zip 489MB)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
Computer Graphics International'19, Calgary, Canada, 2019.
Brejcha, J., Čadík, M. Camera Orientation Estimation in Natural Scenes Using Semantic Cues

[Paper (pdf)]
[Poster (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) (oral presentation), Verona, Italy, 2018.
Brejcha, J., Lukáč, M., Chen, Z., DiVerdi, S., Čadík, M. Immersive Trip Reports

[Paper (pdf)]
[Poster (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
The 31th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'18), ACM, Berlin, Germany, 2018. U.S. Patent No. 10,825,246 and 11,113,882.
Čadík, M., Sýkora, D., Lee, S. Automated Outdoor Depth-Map Generation and Alignment

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
[Synthetic Depth Dataset (zip 7.1GB)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, 2018.
Brejcha, J., Čadík, M. GeoPose3K: Mountain Landscape Dataset for Camera Pose Estimation in Outdoor Environments

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier, ISSN 0262-8856, 2017.
Přibyl, B., Zemčík, P., Čadík, M. Absolute Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences using Direct Linear Transformation

[Paper (pdf)]
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, ISSN 1077-3142, 2017.
Brejcha, J., Čadík, M. State-of-the-art in Visual Geo-localization

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, ISSN 1433-7541, 2017.
Ahmad, T., Campr, P., Čadík, M., Bebis, G. Comparison of Semantic Segmentation Approaches for Horizon/Sky Line Detection

[Paper (pdf)]
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (oral presentation), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2017.
Čadík, M., Aydin, T. HDR Video Metrics

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Book chapter in Chalmers, A., Campisi, P., Shirley, P., Olaizola, I.: High Dynamic Range Video: Concepts, Technologies and Applications, ISBN 9780128094778, Elsevier, 2017.
Přibyl, B., Chalmers, A., Zemčík, P., Hooberman, L., Čadík, M. Evaluation of Feature Point Detection in High Dynamic Range Imagery

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, ISSN 1047-3203, Elsevier, 2016.
Čadík, M., Vašíček, J., Hradiš, M., Radenovic, F., Chum, O. Camera Elevation Estimation from a Single Mountain Landscape Photograph

[Paper (pdf)]
[Extended abstract (pdf)]
[Poster (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (project webpage)]
[Alps100K dataset (zip 15GB)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2015), The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, 2015 (Swansea, GB).
Přibyl, B., Zemčík, P., Čadík, M. Camera Pose Estimation from Lines using Plücker Coordinates

[Paper (pdf)]
[Extended abstract (pdf)]
[Poster (pdf)]
[code (Matlab)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC 2015), The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, 2015 (Swansea, GB).
Čadík, M. Computational Photography

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Habilitation Thesis, Brno University of Technology, 2014.
Fišer, J., Lukáč, M., Jamriška, O., Čadík, M., Gingold, Y., Asente, P., Sýkora, D. Color Me Noisy: Example-based Rendering of Hand-colored Animations with Temporal Noise Control

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33, Num. 4 (proc. of EGSR'14), ISSN 0167-7055, 2014 (Lyon, France).
Sýkora, D., Kavan, L., Čadík, M., Jamriška, O., Jacobson, A., Whited, B., Simmons, M., Sorkine-Hornung, O. Ink-and-Ray: Bas-Relief Meshes for Adding Global Illumination Effects to Hand-Drawn Characters

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 33, no. 2, ACM, ISSN 0730-0301, 2014 (SIGGRAPH 2014, Vancouver, Canada).
Čadík, M., Herzog, R., Mantiuk, R., Mantiuk, R., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. LPLD: Learning to Predict Localized Distortions in Rendered Images

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (html)]
[Presentation slides (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computer Graphics Forum Vol. 32, Num. 7 (proc. of Pacific Graphics'13), pp. 401-410, ISSN 0167-7055, 2013.
Čadík, M., Herzog, R., Mantiuk, R., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. New Measurements Reveal Weaknesses of Image Quality Metrics in Evaluating Graphics Artifacts

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2012), vol. 31, no. 6, DOI: 10.1145/2366145.2366161, ISSN 0730-0301, ACM, 2012.
Herzog, R., Čadík, M., Aydin, T. O., Kwang I. K., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. NoRM: No-Reference Image Quality Metric for Realistic Image Synthesis

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (pdf)]
[Dataset and User Study]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 31, issue 2 (2012), (Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS'12, Cagliari / Italy, 13–18 May), ISSN 0167-7055, 2012.
Sýkora, D., Ben-Chen, M., Čadík, M., Whited, B., Simmons, M. TexToons: Practical Texture Mapping for Hand-drawn Cartoon Animations

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'11), pages 75-83, Vancouver, Canada, 2011.
Best Paper Award.
Baboud, L., Čadík, M., Eisemann, E., Seidel, H.P. Automatic Photo-to-Terrain Alignment for the Annotation of Mountain Pictures

[Paper (pdf)]
[Supplementary materials (pdf)]
[Video (avi)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2011) (CVPR oral), 2011.
Čadík, M., Aydin, T.O., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. On Evaluation of Video Quality Metrics

[Paper (pdf)]
[Presentation slides (pdf)]
[HDR Dataset (905MB zip file)]
[Browse HDR Dataset]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proc. of IS&T/SPIE's Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 2011.

Copyright 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
Aydin, T.O., Čadík, M., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. Video Quality Assessment for Computer Graphics Applications

[Paper (pdf)]
[Video (mp4)]
[Validation experiment (pdf)]
[Formulae (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2010), vol. 29, no. 5, ISSN 0730-0301, ACM, 2010.
Aydin, T.O., Čadík, M., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. Visually Significant Edges

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol. 7, No. 4, Article 27, (Presented at Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV)), ISSN 1544-3558, 2010. Images from our article were selected for the TAP front page.
Pajak, D., Čadík, M., Aydin, T.O., Okabe, M., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. Contrast Prescription for Multiscale Image Editing

[Paper (pdf)]
[Video (captured in realtime)]
The Visual Computer, Vol. 26, 739–748, ISSN 0178-2789, Springer Verlag, 2010.
Pajak, D., Čadík, M., Aydin, T.O., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.P. Visual Maladaptation in Contrast Domain

This paper presents a local tone mapping operator for HDR video which is capable of simulating advanced visual effects while running in real-time.
[Paper (pdf)]
[Video (captured in realtime)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proc. of IS&T/SPIE's Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 2010.

Copyright 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
Čadík, M. Perceptual Evaluation of Color-to-Grayscale Image Conversions

[Paper (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 08), Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1745-1754, ISSN 0167-7055, 2008.
Čadík, M. Perceptually Based Image Quality Assessment and Image Transformations

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Ph.D. Thesis, Czech Technical University in Prague, 2008.

Outstanding dissertation award, President of CTU in Prague, December 2009.
Čadík, M., Wimmer, M., Neumann, L., Artusi, A. Evaluation of HDR Tone Mapping Methods Using Essential Perceptual Attributes

[Paper] [Erratum] [Experimental data and Input Images]
As the images in Tables 3,4,5 are badly ordered (jumbled) in the Elsevier's final version (even after my proof intervention), please refer to the [Correct preprint version of the article].
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, Vol. 32, Issue 3, p. 330-349, 2008.

Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, Vol. 32, Issue 6, p. 716-719, 2008.
Neumann, L., Čadík, M., Nemcics, A. An Efficient Perception-Based Adaptive Color to Gray Transformation

[Paper (pdf)]
[Presentation slides (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proceedings of CAe 2007, p.73 - p.80. Banff, Canada, 2007, ISSN 1816-0859.
Čadík, M. Perception Motivated Hybrid Approach to Tone Mapping

[Paper (pdf)]
[Presentation slides (pdf)]
[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proceedings of WSCG'2007, p.129-p.136. Pilsen, Czech Republic, 2007.
Čadík, M., Wimmer, M., Neumann, L., Artusi, A. Image Attributes and Quality for Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2006, p.35-p.44. National Taiwan University Press, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006.
Čadík, M., Neumann, L. Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators Using Image Attributes

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, 06221, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, 2007
Neumann, L., Čadík, M. Gradient Importance based High Dynamic Range Imaging

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, 06221, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, 2007
Fialka, O., Čadík, M. FFT and Convolution Performance in Image Filtering on GPU

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, p. 609-614. 2006.
Čadík, M., Slavík, P. The Naturalness of Reproduced High Dynamic Range Images

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation, Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, p. 920-925. ISBN 0-7695-2397-8, 2005.
Čadík, M., Slavík, P. Evaluation of Two Principal Approaches to Objective Image Quality Assessment

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
8th International Conference on Information Visualization. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
Čadík, M. Perceptual Image Quality Assessment Metrics CODATA Information Visualization Workshop 2004. Prague, 2004.
Čadík, M. Human Perception and Computer Graphics

[bibTeX entry(bib)]
Postgraduate Study Report. Czech Technical University in Prague, DC-PSR-2004-04, 2004.
Čadík, M., Slavík, P. Comparing Image-Processing Operators by Means of the Visible Differences Predictor

[bibTeX entry(bib)]
WSCG 2004. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2004.
Čadík, M., Slavík, P., Přikryl, J. Experimental System for Visualization of the Light Load

[bibTeX entry (bib)]
WSCG 2003. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2003, p. 37-40. ISBN 80-903100-2-8.

Other Publications

Author Title Publishing details
Čadík, M. Accuracy and Preference of Color-to-Grayscale Image Conversions
Workshop 2009. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2009.
Čadík, M. Perception Based Conversion of Color Images to Grayscale
Workshop 2008. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2008.

Trans it! - the best applicable inventions at CTU award
Čadík, M. Hybrid Approach to HDR Tone Mapping
Workshop 2007. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2007.
Čadík, M., Fialka, O. Performance Analysis of Basic Approaches to Image Filtering on GPU Workshop 2006. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2006.
Čadík, M. Image Attributes for Comparison Process Workshop 2005. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2005.
Čadík, M. High Dynamic Range Imaging Chapter in book: Žára, J., Beneš, B., Sochor., J., Felkel., P.: Modern Computer Graphics, Computer Press, ISBN: 80-251-0454-0, 2004.
Čadík, M. Performance Analysis of the Visible Differences Predictor and the Structural Similarity Index Poster 2004. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2004.
Čadík, M. Automatic Comparison of NPR Techniques Workshop 2004. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2004.
Čadík, M. Visualization of the Light Load Using Java3D Poster 2003. Czech Technical University in Prague, 2003, p. IC4. TO SVTI-0403š/300.
Čadík, M., Simulation and Visualization of the Light Load
Vizualizace světelného zatížení (in czech)
Master Thesis (in Czech), 2002, 75 pages.

Outstanding master thesis award


Title Link Comments
CPhoto@FIT - Computational Photography Group https://cphoto.fit.vutbr.cz/ HDR image and video processing, image and video quality assessment, computational aesthetics, image registration, and human visual perception.
Interactive panoramic views of FIT, BUT campus https://cphoto.fit.vutbr.cz/fit/ Interactive walkthrough in the beautiful campus of Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology.
HiVisComp - High Visual Computing https://www.hiviscomp.cz/ Meetings of the Czech and Slovak computer graphics and computer vision people in the mountains.
VGS Invited Talks @ FIT https://vgs-it.fit.vutbr.cz/ Invited talks on Vision, Graphics, and Speech at Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology.
Semestrale'09 ./private/semestrale09/ Exhibition of drawings made by our students (Lucie Svobodová).
Ranker https://ranker.sourceforge.net GUI for interactive and supervised ranking and pairwise testing of images.
High Dynamic Range Imaging https://www.cgg.cvut.cz/~cadikm/papers/x36apg/cadikm-hdri.pdf Lecture on HDRI
Visual Perception https://www.cgg.cvut.cz/~cadikm/papers/itt/cadikm-itt06.pdf Lecture on Visual Perception
Volunteering for SIGGRAPH Dobrovolníkem na SIGGRAPHu
Volunteering for SIGGRAPH (in Czech)
I was a Student Volunteer on SIGGRAPH 2006, my experiences
Java3D presentation https://www.cgg.cvut.cz/~cadikm/school/java3d Introduction to Java3D, with examples
Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram https://www.cgg.cvut.cz/~cadikm/school/vge Java applet demonstrating an algorithm for incremental construction of Delaunay triangulation
CTU in Prague - school pages (mostly in Czech language) https://www.cgg.cvut.cz/~cadikm/school school pages


Subject Year/Semester Number of classes
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2022-3/summer 1
Introduction to Game Development
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2022/winter 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2022/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2022/winter 1
Introduction to Image and Video Quality Assessment
Lecture on Image and Video Quality Assessment.
2021/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2022/summer 1
Introduction to Game Development
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2021/winter 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2021/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2021/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2021/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2020/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2020/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2020/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2019/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2019/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2019/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2018/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2018/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2018/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2017/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2017/winter 1
Computational Photography
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2017/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2016/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2016/winter 1
Computer Art
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2016/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2015/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2015/winter 1
Computer Art
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2015/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2014/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2014/winter 1
HDR Image and Video Quality Assessment
HDRi Training School, BUT, Brno, Czech Republic
2014/winter 1
Computer Art
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2014/summer 1
Computer Vision
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2013/winter 1
Advanced Computer Graphics
FIT BUT Brno, Czech Republic
2013/winter 1
Introduction to HDR and HDR Quality Assessment
COST Training School, Irisa/Inria Rennes, France
2012/winter 1
Realistic Image Synthesis
Uni Saarbrücken/MPI
2012/summer 1
Realistic Image Synthesis
Uni Saarbrücken/MPI
2010/summer 1
Realistic Image Synthesis
Uni Saarbrücken/MPI
2009/summer 1
Computer Graphics Algorithms
2008/winter 1
Multimedia II
2008/winter 1
Design and Implementation of User Interfaces
2008/summer 1
Computer Graphics Algorithms
Lecture on HDRI
2007/winter 1
Design and Implementation of User Interfaces
2007/summer 1
Computer Graphics Algorithms
Lecture on HDRI
2006/winter 1
Semestral projects.
2006/winter 3
Visual Perception
Lecture on Visual Perception, Visual Illusions, etc.
2006/winter 1
High Dynamic Range Imaging
Lecture on HDRI.
2005/summer 1
Visual Perception
Lecture on Visual Perception, Visual Illusions, etc.
2004/winter 1
Computer Graphics Applications    2004/Winter 2
Computer Graphics Applications    2003/Winter 2
Operating System UNIX    2002/Winter 2

PhD thesis theme Person Date
Vizuální lokalizace v přírodě
Visual Localization in Natural Environments
Jan Brejcha Jul, 2022

Master's thesis theme Person Date
Webová aplikace pro nastavení ergonomického posedu na jízdním kole
Web application for setting up an ergonomic position on a bicycle
EXCEL@FIT, award
Jiří Vlasák Jul, 2024
3D model ze sekvence obrázků pořízených fluorescenčním mikroskopem
3D model from a image stack taken with a fluorescence microscope
David Vlasák Jul, 2024
Generování fotorealistických obrázků fotbalistů podmíněných číslem dresu
Generating Photorealistic Soccer Player Images Conditioned on a Jersey Number
Dan Plaček Jul, 2023
Kalibrace fluorescenčního optického mikroskopu s pomocí elektronového obrazu
Calibration of a fluorescence optical microscope using an electron image
Lukáš Erlich Jul, 2023
Měření tloušťky vrstev odprášeného materiálu ze vzorku v elektronovém mikroskopu
Measuring the Thickness of Material Layers Removed from a Sample in an Electron Microscope
EXCEL@FIT, 2x award, IT SPY participant
Jiří Kutálek Jul, 2023
Metody pro shlukování a vyhledávání v obrazových datech z elektronových mikroskopů
Methods for clustering and searching in image data from electron microscopes
Tomáš Plachý Jul, 2023
Simulace a vizualizace sněhových a ledových struktur
Simulation and Visualization of Snow and Ice Features
Ondřej Čech Jul, 2023
Systém pro pořizování a správu nových záběrů historických fotografií
System for Capturing and Administration of New Shots of Historical Photographs
Tomáš Ryšavý Jul, 2023
Sledování objektů v panoramatickém videu
Object Tracking in Panoramic Video (in czech)
Vít Ambrož Jul, 2021
Algoritmy pro automatický ořez sférické fotografie a videa
Algorithms for Automatic Spherical Image and Video Cropping (in czech)
Martin Ivančo Jul, 2020
Mobilní aplikace pro automatický záznam šachové partie
Mobile Application for Automatic Recording of Chess Games (in czech)
Adam Jiruška Jul, 2020
Dynamická prezentace fotografií s využitím hloubkové mapy
Dynamic Image Presentations Using Depth Maps (in czech)
Jiří Hanzlíček Jun, 2019
Metody zvýrazňující detaily ve fotografii
Photographic Detail Enhancement Methods (in czech)
Tomáš Hudziec Jun, 2019
Webová aplikace pro hodnocení kvality obrazu a videa
Web App for Image and Video Quality Assessment (in czech)
Karel Píč Jun, 2019
Elektronový ray tracer
Ray Tracing for Electron Microscope (in czech)
Jan Suchánek Jun, 2019
Porovnání časově závislých metod pro převod barevného obrazu na šedotónový
Comparison of Time-Dependent Color-to-Gray Conversions (in czech)
Vladimír Vlkovič Jun, 2018
Webová aplikace pro pořizování nových záběrů historických fotografií
Web App for Capturing New Shots of Historical Photographs (in czech)
Martin Sikora Jun, 2018
Registration of Photos to 3D Model
Registrace fotografií do 3D modelu terénu (in czech)
Jaromír Deák Jun, 2017
Color-to-Grayscale Conversions
Převod barevných obrázků na černobílé (in czech)
Petr Pospíšil Jun, 2016
Altitude estimation from an image
Automatický odhad nadmořské výšky z obrazu (in czech)
EXCEL@FIT oral, award, ACM SPY participant
Jan Vašíček Jun, 2015
Interactive Tone Mapping
Interaktivní mapování tónů (in czech)
Petr Bílek Jun, 2010
Time-dependent Tone Mapping Operators
Časově závislé techniky mapování tónů (in czech)
Antonín Lejsek Feb, 2006
Acceleration of Tone Mapping Techniques
Akcelerace technik mapování tónů (in czech)
implementace existujících technik mapování tónů, simulace oslnění atd. na GPU
Ondřej Fialka Feb, 2006
A Framework for the Evaluation of Tone Mapping Operators
Prostředí pro vyhodnocení technik mapování tónů (in czech)
Ondrej Hajdok Jun, 2005

Bachelor's thesis theme Person Date
Odhad orientace kamery z obrazu pomocí metod strojového učení
Visual Camera Orientation Estimation using Machine Learning
Martin Kubička Jul, 2024
Měření tloušťky kontaminačních vrstev ve skenovací elektronové mikroskopii pomocí zpracování obrazu
Measuring the thickness of contamination layers in scanning electron microscopy using image processing
Matěj Macek Jul, 2024
Virtuální TableTop pro hraní stolní hry Dungeons and Dragons
Virtual TableTop for playing the Dungeons and Dragons board game
Vladimír Horák Jul, 2024
Techniky mapování tónů HDR obrazu noční scény
HDR Tone Mapping for Low-Light Conditions
Lukáš Macejka Jul, 2024
Automatická volba grafického nástroje pomocí ručně kreslených skic
Automatic Graphics Tool Selection Using Freehand Sketches
Richard Harman Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace počítačové hry
Design and Implementation of Computer Game
Samuel Šulo Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace survival počítačové hry
Design and Implementation of Survival Computer Game
Ondrej Kováč Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace závodní počítačové hry
Design and Implementation of Racing Computer Game
Tomáš Dvořák Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace 2D hry v Unity
Design and Implementation of a 2D Game in Unity
Martin Dvořáček Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace 2D videohry v herním engine Godot
Design and Implementation of 2D Video Game in Game Engine Godot
Tomáš Kurtin Jul, 2023
Zpracování obrazu s vysokým dynamickým rozsahem (HDR)
Tone Mapping Methods for High Dynamic Range Images
Matúš Bičanovský Jul, 2023
Návrh a implementace hry pro konzoli Nintendo Game Boy
Design and Implementation of a Game for Nintendo Game Boy (in czech)
Štěpán Krejčíř Jul, 2022
Segmentace zubních objemových dat
Volumetric Segmentation of Dental CT Data (in czech)
Matej Berezný Jul, 2021
Simulace sněhových a ledových struktur
Simulation of Snow and Ice Features (in czech)
Ondřej Čech Jul, 2020
Mobilní aplikace zobrazující model terénu v reálném čase
Mobile Application Rendering Digital Elevation Models in Real Time (in czech)
Radim Hejl Jul, 2020
Algorithms for Automatic Image Cropping
Algoritmy pro automatický ořez fotografií (in czech)
Vít Ambrož Jun, 2018
Mobile App for Acquisition and Processing of HDR Images
Mobilní aplikace pro akvizici a úpravu HDR fotografií (in czech)
EXCEL@FIT oral, 2x award
Patrik Michalák Jun, 2018
Color-to-Grayscale Video Conversions
Metody pro převod barevných videosekvencí na černobílé (in czech)
Filip Března Jun, 2018
Photographic Detail Enhancement Methods
Metody zvýrazňující detaily ve fotografii (in czech)
Pavel Sedlář Jun, 2018
Image Completion Using Depth Maps
Rekonstrukce digitálních fotografií s využitím hloubkové mapy (in czech)
Ondřej Valeš Jun, 2017
Computational Re-Photography
Výpočetní re-fotografie (in czech)
Adam Červenka Jun, 2017
Web for HDR Image and Video Processing
Web pro zpracování HDR obrazu a videa (in czech)
Martin Beran Jun, 2017
Image Enhancement Using Depth Maps
Vylepšení obrazu pomocí hloubkových map (in czech)
Jakub Krbec Jun, 2017
Web-Based Panorama Image Viewer
Webový prohlížeč panoramatických snímků (in czech)
Tomáš Slunský Jun, 2017
A Set of Web Tools for Geo-Location System
Sada webových nástrojů pro geolokalizační systém (in czech)
Petr Bečka Jun, 2016
Web Ranker: Web Tool for Pairwise Testing of Images
Web Ranker: Webový nástroj pro párový test obrázků (in czech)
Vít Ševčík Jun, 2015

Student's project theme Person Date
Implementation of real-time HDR methods on contemporary GPUs
Implementace real-time HDR metod na současných GPU (in czech)
Michal Augustýn Feb, 2006

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