@InCollection{cadik17hdr_video, Title = {Chapter 5 - \{HDR\} Video Metrics }, Author = {{\v{C}}ad{\'i}k, Martin} and Aydin, Tun\c{c} Ozan}, Booktitle = {High Dynamic Range Video }, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Year = {2017}, Editor = {Chalmers, Alan and Campisi, Patrizio and Shirley, Peter and Olaizola, Igor G. }, Pages = {111 - 127}, Abstract = {Abstract In this chapter we present an introduction to \{HDR\} image and video quality assessment fields. We discuss full-, no-, and reduced-reference metrics, including perceptually motivated methods. We describe two existing full-reference \{HDR\} video quality metrics in detail. Furthermore, we introduce the emerging field of data-driven metrics. Finally, we conclude with the outlook of future development and research. }, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809477-8.00005-4}, ISBN = {978-0-12-809477-8}, Keywords = {Video quality assessment}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128094778000054} }